C-N-P software downloads

First steps with C-N-P

For a deeper insight into the complex processes of breaking down fresh organic matter in soil, use the following
LINK on shiny
with a turnover demonstration for two different FOM pools

Here are some downloads for experimental (private) use. The use is only permitted with the consent of the author and is at your own risk. The author refuses all liability for any malfunctions that may occur and their possible consequences.

Prerequisite for using the C-N-P software is access to a PostgreSQL server - which can also run on the local system without an Internet connection.

... more information about Postgres can be found under this link

and here is some help with Postgres installation on windows

For mac users it is recommended to visit the postgresapp.com website for download.

If there are difficulties finding the required file libpq.dylib on a MAC, the following notice may help:
1. Open a terminal
2. search the data using: locate libpq.dylib | grep /lib
3. possibly it is necessary to execute the following command beforehand;
sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.locate.plist

download area C-N-P software

... please start reading the manual

(last update:12.06.2024 11:00:02, filesize: 3298121 Byte )

...if data is already available, you sometimes want to copy it. Get here some hints how it may be done

(last update:22.07.2021 17:11:50, filesize: 6495019 Byte )

Please find below the download links for the desired platform

After downloading, the zip file should be unpacked into a directory with write permissions. Before using the model itself, you must first start cnp_prepare, which sets up a database on the Postgres server, creates an user account and writes an ini-file. After this step proceed with cnpx_GUI

Modifications to cnp_prepare

date comment
27.10.2021 new feature on cnp_prepare to search the pg library
13.07.2022 bugfix and update on cdy_prepare
30.07.2021 several bugfixes, adaptation of data structure
20.09.2022 improvement of the 64bit version
06.12.2023 improved connectivity to postgres
23.05.2024 form scaling introduced

Modifications to cnpx_gui

date comment
06.07.2021 bugfix: calculation of initial SOM for stony soils
10.07.2021 new: copy function on plot level
12.07.2021 new: linear regression of observations
12.07.2021 new: improved handling of conspicious values
17.09.2021 bugfix: ploughing up and processing of crop communities
17.09.2021 new: changed treeview behaviour
19.09.2021 changed soil data edit ; bugfix für treeview
21.09.2021 improved: copy active plot
27.10.2021 several improvements and bugfixes
27.04.2022 several improvements in P-model and RepIX initialization
11.07.2022 bugfix for auto input of by-products (macode 9)
30.07.2022 bugfix for sqlite import
25.10.2022 i.a. bugfix climate data pasting
01.11.2022 bugfix for missing silt values
05.01.2023 bugfix for mixed up pore size input fields
21.01.2023 bugfix and web version compare
05.03.2023 bugfixes, catch crops and perm. grassland new implemented; not for W32 !!
09.03.2023 bugfix in balance calculation; cyclic runs re-activated; not for W32 !!
14.03.2023 bugfix and improvement of git interface
29.03.2023 improvement of STEP mode (see manual)
03.05.2023 bugfix download DWD data
11.05.2023 bugfix SQLite export
17.05.2023 bugfix SQLite import from CANDY
06.06.2023 version 20.22.20 : master password ; acceptance of locale date format
17.12.2023 version 20.22.21 : improved balance calculation, added autobalance mode
19.12.2023 version 20.22.22 : updated balance calculation
11.02.2024 version 20.22.24 : improved long term simulation
05.03.2024 version 20.22.25 : bugfix optimizier
27.03.2024 version 20.22.26 : ini-file bugfix in cnpx_GUI and cnp_prepare
08.04.2024 version 20.22.27 : date format bugfix in balance module
18.04.2024 version 20.22.28 : bugfix in observation update and fixing some typos
23.05.2024 version 20.23.1 : form scaling introduced
07.06.2024 version 20.23.2 : minor improvements and bugfix for ploughing up
12.06.2024 version 20.23.3 : climate date import from text files

C-N-P software pack for windows x86 (32 bit) as ZIP download

(last update:21.01.2023 20:17:04, filesize: 21715500 Byte )

C-N-P software pack for windows W64 (64 bit) as ZIP download

(last update:12.06.2024 11:08:56, filesize: 24025241 Byte )

C-N-P software pack for MacOS (64 bit) as ZIP download

(last update:12.06.2024 11:08:59, filesize: 27063156 Byte )


tools and hints

... there is a work-around to upload climate data into the database described by S.A.A.Gassser in this document

(last update:05.04.2024 16:29:51, filesize: 1037095 Byte )